RZH Gwen-P Red VG-89-NL
(Ladd P x Beacon)
RED & POLLED Grietje
Multiple Owners
Nosbisch Holsteins
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Diamond Genetics
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Vekis Genetics
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Reg No.
February 7, 2013Production Records
2.08 533d 16.460kgM 4.4% 730F 4.0% 651P4.03 594d 20.123kgM 4.7% 948F 3.8% 772P
6.00 330d 13.757kgM 4.8% 657F 3.6% 499P
91FR 92DS 86MS 89FL / VG-89-NLGenomic Result
US 12/19 GTPI +2136 / NM $ 369 / PTAT +1.38 [ Details ]Details
- Fromer #1 RZG POLLED heifer in the breed!
- One of the highest Red & Polled 2-Yr. olds World Wide (8/15)
- Same family as the former #1 R&W type bull in Germany, KUTY Red
- Grand dam is mat. sister to Molenkamp Grietje 61 RC, Nom. Global R&W Cow of the Year '13 (HI)
- Grand dam her full sister is dam to Griffith P @ CRV
- Great Cow family with extremely high Protein and a lot of milk
(D.O.B. November 2014)
US 12/19 GTPI +2137 / PTAT +1.11
(s. Texel Beauty DEBUTANT-Red)
US 12/19 GTPI +2137 / PTAT +1.11
(s. Texel Beauty DEBUTANT-Red)
(D.O.B. June 2015)
US 12/20 GTPI +2270 / PTAT +0.45
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
US 12/20 GTPI +2270 / PTAT +0.45
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
Vekis NH DG Gerdy *RC *PP GP-NL 2yr.
(D.O.B. August 2015)
US 12/19 GTPI +2220 / PTAT +1.19
DE 04/17 RZE 110 / RZG 140 / RZM 135 / RZN 114
NL 04/17 INET 318 / NVI 218 / Type 103
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
US 12/19 GTPI +2220 / PTAT +1.19
DE 04/17 RZE 110 / RZG 140 / RZM 135 / RZN 114
NL 04/17 INET 318 / NVI 218 / Type 103
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
Vekis NH DG Gwendoline *RC
(D.O.B. June 2015)
US 04/21 GTPI +2299 / PTAT +0.50
DE 12/15 RZE 122 / RZG 151 / RZM 136 / RZN 122 / RZR 125
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
US 04/21 GTPI +2299 / PTAT +0.50
DE 12/15 RZE 122 / RZG 151 / RZM 136 / RZN 122 / RZR 125
(s. View-Home POWERBALL-P-ET)
Tiger-Lily LADD P-RED
Molenkamp Grietje 111 *RC VG-85-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
Molenkamp Grietje 111 *RC VG-85-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
2.03 305d 10.333kgM 3.7% 382F 3.6% 377P
3.06 305d 12.160kgM 3.9% 477F 3.7% 445P
3.06 305d 12.160kgM 3.9% 477F 3.7% 445P
- Dam to RZH Gwen P-Red, sold for € 36.000
Molenkamp Grietje 48 VG-86-NL 2yr.
Molenkamp Grietje 48 VG-86-NL 2yr.
2.02 305d 11.168kgM 3.7% 408F 3.5% 393P
4.02 305d 12.511kgM 3.6% 448F 3.6% 455P
4.02 305d 12.511kgM 3.6% 448F 3.6% 455P
- Mat. sister to Molenkamp Grietje 58 VG-87-NL 2yr., dam to Kuyt Red @ RSH
- Mat. sister to Molenkamp Grietje 61 RC VG-88, Nom. Global R&W Cow of the Year '13
- Full sister is dam to Adventure @ CRV, one of the highest R&W bulls in Holland
- Full sister is also dam to Griffit @ CRV
Heihoeve Delta SPENCER-RED
Molenkamp Grietje 28 RC VG-89-NL
Molenkamp Grietje 28 RC VG-89-NL
2.04 305d 10.348kgM 4.0% 418F 3.4% 356P
4.04 530d 13.997kgM 3.4% 473F 3.4% 475P
6.04 471d 16.713kgM 4.1% 678F 3.4% 564P
4.04 530d 13.997kgM 3.4% 473F 3.4% 475P
6.04 471d 16.713kgM 4.1% 678F 3.4% 564P
- All of her sons are in AI
- Dam to Molenkamp ANDY RC @ CRV
- Dam to FARFAN @ CRV
- Still alive!
Next Dams
4th Molenkamp Grietje 23 RC VG-87-NL
5th Molenkamp Grietje 13 RC VG-85-NL - Lifetime: 110.000kgM & 10.000kg F+P
6th Molenkamp Grietje 8