Picture of Crusthtime’s mother: Oh-River-Syc Mogal Brylan
He is the type sensation in the breed: Col DG Crushtime which is Ultra 4M sexed female available through Sexing Technologies! Crushtime has a PTAT of +4.00 and is the #1 Conformation bull in the World on Canadian base with +20 Conf. as well he scores 145 RZE in the Germany type system. Crushtime brings all in one package of the pedigree he has – CRUSH x MOGUL x EX-90 Meridian x EX-91 Atwood x EX-91 Shottle x Regancrest-PR Barbie! His grand dam is the full sister to Byway @ Semex. Crushtime his mother Oh-River-Syc Mogal Brylan has recently be pictured, click further for the result! NOTE that Crushtime has only 2 full sisters in the world, which are both owned by Genesland in Germany. Click further for more information about this huge ranking sisters!
Click on the picture for his full index
His mother: Oh-River-Syc Mogul Brylan VG-85-USA 2yr.
* Mother of Crushtime @ Sexing Technologies – Click here
* Crushtime has 2 full sisters in the World, both are at Genesland, Germany:
- Col DG Brylin – #2 PTAT female > 9 months in Europe – PTAT +3.92 / GTPI +2433
- Col DG Brylan - #4 PTAT female > 9 months in Europe – PTAT +3.88
Grand dam: Oh-River-Syc Mrdn Billie EX-91-USA
* Full sister to Byway @ Semex
5th dam: Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA
Wijhe, Netherlands
8131 PK
Schopscherhof 1
Lohmar, Germany