BLAKE delivers 2nd daughter >1000 Net Merit!
There are only 2 heifers in the World which bred 2 daughters > 1000 $ NET MERIT, one of them is Ms DG-TM Delta Blake, bred & owned by Diamond Genetics & partners, that out of only 4 tested daughters til date! Blake's Charley daughter MS DG-TM Charley Boston is the #1 GTPI Charley daughter in the breed (GTPI +2834) and the #9 Net Merit heifer World Wide (NM $ 1018)! Her Modesty sister MS DG-TM Modesty Breeze is one of the highest GTPI heifers in the breed: 5/17 GTPI +2875 / NM $ 1007, combining +2238 Milk / +93 Fat / +66 Protein / +2.8 DPR / +9 PL and +2.26 PTAT!! Blake is a daughter of Delta, the #1 daughter proven TPI sire World Wide and goes back on the All-American & All-Canadian Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA.
BLAKE has embryos available for sale!!! Click here for more info!
Sisters: MS DG-TM Delta Bridget *RC, MS DG-TM Delta Blake & MS DG-TM Brandy Red
* Click here for the pedigree and more info about BLAKE
* Blake is due in August '17 and looks great
* Already 2 dtrs >1000 NET MERIT, out of just 4 daughters tested so far!
Her dam: Calbrett Supersire Barb *RC VG-86-USA 2yr. - MANY SONS IN AI!!
3rd dam: Rainyridge Talent Barbara EX-95-USA - ALL-AMERICAN & ALL-CANADIAN 5yr. old!!
Group of early milking DELTA dtrs out of the 1st period at 1 farm!
Delta is the #1 daughter proven sire World Wide - Missed the official ranking by only 1 daughter!
Wijhe, Netherlands
8131 PK