Willsbro Choice Frieda 3933
(Fitters Choice x Undenied x Beemer)
She is the #15 PTAT Calf in Europe during the June'22 Intermediate Run at +3.50 PTAT!
Willsbro Holsteins
Reg No.
May 7, 2022Genomic Result
US 12/24 GTPI +2127 / NM $ -84 / PTAT +3.15 [ Details ]CA 06/22 Conf. +11
- She is the #15 PTAT Calf in Europe during the June'22 Intermediate Run at +3.50 PTAT!
- She is maternal sister to the #4 and #5 PTAT Calf in Europe at +3.91 PTAT and +3.88 PTAT! (06/22
- She scores in her Canadian Index: +11 Conformation with +9 for her Mammary System (06/22)
- She is the #3 Fitters Choice daughter in Europe!
- 7 generations VG or EX-dams in her pedigree!
- Tracing back to Quality Astre Felic EX-95-USA
Willsbro Undenied Frieda VG-89-UK
Willsbro Undenied Frieda VG-89-UK
2.03 305d 13.408kgM 3.9% 521F 3.1% 424P
- Former #11 PTAT Calf in Europe
- 7 generations VG or EX-dams in her pedigree!
- Huge PTAT index: +3.45 PTAT (12/18)
Pol Butte Mc Beemer
GHH Felicity 2 VG-87-DE La2.
GHH Felicity 2 VG-87-DE La2.
3/2La 305d 13.629kgM 3.9% 526F 3.2% 439P
HL 2 305d 15.559kgM 3.9% 599F 3.2% 497P
HL 2 305d 15.559kgM 3.9% 599F 3.2% 497P
- Scored VG-86 2yr. old very fresh
- Maternal sister to GHH Goldwyn Frency EX-92-CH EX-94-MS, HM. Int. champion Schau der Besten '14
- - Top 5 Swiss Expo '16 & Grand Champion Hohenrain (CH) '16
Next Dams
4th HPH Shottle Malmo EX-91-DE
5th Engstad Madleine EX-94-CH
6th Quality Astre Felic EX-95
7th Quality Astro Jet Felicia EX-90-CAN
8th Plushanski Valiant Fran EX-90-USA DOM 35*
9th Plushanski Chief Faith EX-94-USA 4E GMD