Wiesenfeld Artes Regale at front cover HI!
The incredible Wiesenfeld Artes Regale EX-90-AT is shining at the front cover of the Holstein International February '19 issue. This Artes daughter was Grand Champion of the National Show in Austria in 2017 and traces back to the queen of the breed: Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97-USA. Christine Masfeller made the beautiful picutere of the front cover, last summer.
Wiesenfeld Artes Regale @ front cover Holstein Internation February issue
1Lac 305d 9.107kgM 3.7% 339F 3.2% 292P
2/2 305d 10.719kgM 3.4% 363F 3.2% 340P
HL2 305d 12.331kgM 3.1% 387F 3/1% 388P
Grand Champion Austria Dairy Show '17
Owned by: Schönhof Holsteins, Austria & Wiesenfeld Holsteins, Germany
Artes x VG-86 Damion x EX-94 Milan x Hanoverhill Royal Roxie GP-CAN 3yr. x Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 x Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 - 2 x QUEEN OF THE BREED!
Schönhofweg 2
Maishofen, Austria