Veelhorst Vekis Melody..... she has the beauty and the brains!
In the genomic area being a VG-87 2 year old with a VG-88 Mammary System still counts! And then when your grand dam was able to compete at one of the best Show in Europe, you have several uncles and nephews that are among the highest protein bulls in the breed, you have transmitted offsprings scoring in various European genomic systems you may say you have the beauty and the brains! Veelhorst Vekis Melody owned by Erik Hijgeman and Martien van der Kamp is the cow we are talking about. She has beautifull offspring by Crown and Copyright promising to bring the same type and protein. Coming from the Jo-Wal Cleitus Macey family, first developed by Ton Captein, later by Nici Nosbisch & Sebastien Dion and now in the hands of Erik and Martien this great family will certainly play a role in the next decade of Holstein Breeding!
Veelhorst Vekis Melody VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
2.04 305d 10.221kgM 4.6% 471F 3.6% 364P (proj.)
Gymnast x Shep x NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. (s. Balisto) x Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr.
- +152 RZG Gymnast grand dtr of Marilyn Monroe! (12/20)
- Great GERMAN index: +152 RZG // 124 RZN // +893 Milch // +0.42%F // +0.13%P (12/20)
- Several daughters testing >2700 GTPI! Beeze Oldleus Mabel (PEDIGREE) (s. Crown)
- Dam is sister to NH County Milo VG-86-DE 2yr. - 1st place RUW Färsenschau 2019
- PROTEIN is the trademark for this family!!
- Marilyn Monroe was topseller German Masters Sale '19 for 84.000 EUR!
- & also the #1 RZG cow / heifer for over the past 4 years
NH HS Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. (PEDIGREE) - Grand dam
La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.6% 657F 4.1% 483P
- THE LEGEND!! / > 4 years in a row #1 RZG heifer & cow in Germany
- Huge producing 2yr. old with 4.1% PROTEIN!!
- >13 sons in A.I.
- Topseller German Master Sale ‘14 for EUR 84.000
- Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo
Peezeweg 3
Dalfsen, Netherlands
7722 VX