TOP UDC females in Europe!
In Europe they are some of the highest UDC (Udder composite) females in the breed based on GTPI. Topping the list is Toc-Farm Jacoby Kristel a Jacoby daughter with +4.05 UDC and from the family of Toc-Farm Allen Amyly. Notable is the only R&W heifer in the list: Veenhuizer JT Red Rose she is an Awesome-Red daughter with +3.80 for her UDC!! The #7 in the list is the full sister to Col DG Crushtime @ ST: Col DG Brylan, she notes +3.74 UDC. Also the Veneriete Ida family is in this top list with Go-Farm Picachu, she from the same family as the popular daughter proven sire BOARD @ RUW.
Top 10 UDC females in Europe (12/18) - Click here for the complete ranking
van Goghstraat 41
Holsloot, Netherlands
7845 TR
Rechterveldweg 10
Kampen, Netherlands
8267 AL
Schopscherhof 1
Lohmar, Germany