Huge productions at Holbra Holsteins
The farm of Holbra Holsteins of the Holmer family is one of the highest production farms in the Netherlands. The current highest production cows at Holbra Holsteins are sired by Silver, Commander, Jetset, Kingboy, Balisto and others. Highest lactation value cow in the herd right now is a Silver daughter from the Cookiecutter Halo cow family with 133 lactation value. Striking are the 2 sisters Holbra Malon 4 and Malon 3 with both a 305 day lactation >14.000 kg milk with 3.9% PROTEIN - they are Balisto daughters from the Golden Oaks Prudence cow family. Click further for a list of the highest lactation cows.
Highest producing cows @ Holbra Holsteins
#2 producing cow @ Holbra Holsteins: Holbra Sancode VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr.
Holbra Sancodi VG-88-NL VG-89-MS (MAX) 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
2.07 305d (proj) 16.006kgM 3.24%F 519F 3.42%P 547P
Commander x Holbra Sanadi VG-87-NL (s. Meridian) x Holbra Sana VG-89-NL (s. Snowman) x Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA 5E GMD DOM family
- One of the highest GTPI & Type Commander dtrs of her age
- Straight from one of Meridian's greatest daughters: Holbra Sanadi VG-87-NL 2yr.
- Sister to Sjonny SUPERTORO in Spain
- Dam is sister to: Holbra Rodanas (former #1 GPFT bull), Sanador, Elysium & Sansire
- Grand dam is one of the highest production cows in Europe
- Same family as Winston and Watha in Italy
- The ultra successful Holbra-branch from Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence cow family
A-L-H Silver Havanna VG-86-NL 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
La1 305d 14.535kgM 4.6%F 3.5%P
Silver x Cookiecutter Supersire Have VG-86-USA x Cookiecutter MOM Halo VG-88-USA (s. Man-O-Man) x Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA 2E GMD DOM family
- Still +2650 gTPI with +2.47 PTAT as a 2yr. Old! (12/18)
- The highest producing 2yr. Old @ Holbra Holstieins - La1 >14.000kgM 4.6%F 3.5%P
- Several daughters >2700 gTPI (12/18)
- Her Modesty son A-L-H Moha (+2718 gTPI) is @ Masterrind
- 9 generations VG or EXCELLENT dams in her pedigree!
- Tracing back to Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA - same family as DH Gold Chip Darling EX-95-CH
- Darling was SUPREME Champion Swiss Expo 2017 & Grand Expo Bulle 2018!!