Sound System keeps #1 position in Italian gPFT ranking
It’s index week, the first in the row this run is Italy with the April ’18 bull index rankings. The #1 in the Italian domestic gPFT ranking remains the same: Mirabell Sound System of Inseme with gPFT +4212. DG Charley has no less then 7 sons in the top ranking in Italy, from which R DG Neutron is the highest with gPFT +4139, the #3 Charley son is from the same grand dam (Tir-An N.U. Nyala), DG Nebula (gPFT +4002). Fernand son Go-Farm Zurich is the #1 daughter proven PFT bull with 3370 PFT, followed by Atros and Poison in the Top 3. The highest dtr proven type bull in the Italian ranking is Snowbiz M Chilton (McCutchen x Snowman x Regancrest S Chassity).
- ITALY - G- PFT (Domestic) - 04/18
- ITALY - G-IES (Domestic) - 04/18
- ITALY - Dtr proven PFT (Domestic) - 04/18
- ITALY - Dtr proven IES (Domestic) -04/18
- ITALY - Dtr proven TYPE (Domestic) 04/18