Show time @ Dueholm Breeding!
Recently were several cows taken on a proffesional photo at Dueholm Breeding, Denmark. Including Siepermanns Doorman Luisa VG-89-DK 2yr. the 2yr. Old of the Agro Nord Show 2019. This promising young cow is a Doorman grand daughter of Galwaybay Dundee Lavish EX-95-IE - the 1st & Best Udder Mature Cow National Emerald Expo '12. Also we received a new picture of HAM Goldwyn Dream VG-87-DK 2yr. a Goldwyn daughter of Mox Gibson Dreamline EX-91-DE, the Grand Champion B&W Schau 2009 and daughter of Mox Rubens Dream EX-93-DE. Dream was 2x Int. Champion at a German national show in 2002 and was Res. All-German in 2007. Another great young cow is Vliek Mc Mitty P VG-88-NL EX-MS La1. This McCutchen daughter is bred by Vliek Holsteins, the Netherlands and a daughter of the former #1 GTPI Heifer in the breed: Pine-Tree 1258 Mitty EX-91-CAN EX-93-MS 5yr.
Siepermanns Doorman Luisa VG-89-DK 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
Doorman x Beechrow Goldwyn Lavish 2 VG-89 (s. Goldwyn) x Galwaybay Dundee Lavish EX-95 (s. Dundee) x EX-92 x EX-92
HAM Goldwyn Dream VG-87-DK 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
Goldwyn x Mox Gibson Dreamline EX-91 (s. Gibson) x Mox Rubens Dream EX-93 (s. Rubens)
Vliek Mc Mitty *P VG-88-NL EX-MS La1. (PEDIGREE)
McCutchen x Pine-Tree 1258 Mity 4771 EX-91 (s. Mitey P) x Pine-Tree Missy Miranda VG-86 x Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX-92
Dueholmvej 2
Skive, Denmark