Scandinavian indexes - December 2019
The highest NTM Genomic bull is this December 2019 proof VH Yngvar with +42 NTM. He is followed in the genomic list by Gen Boxer (Bellroy) with +40 NTM (Benz x Col Orlanda) and Builder P, the former #1 NTM bull, with also +40 NTM. They share the second place also with the Danish bull VH Burst. The number one daughter proven NTM bull in Scandinavia is VH Oggy with +34 NTM. The second and third place are VH Beiting and VH Bernell sharing with each other with both noting +33 NTM.
Gen Boxer (Bellroy) @ Masterrind // #2 NTM genomic bull with +40 NTM >>> CLICK HERE <<<
Benz x Col Orlanda (s. Frence) x Col Opine VG-85-DE 2yr. (s. Racer)