Save the date: 2. MOX WEEKEND - 24 - 25 August!!
Save the date!! The second edition of the MOX WEEKEND is coming soon. At the farm of Mox Holsteins will 24 - 25 August the 2. Mox weekend sale be held. They are selling something for everybody with Holstein, Red Holstein, Jersey and Brown Swiss animals! Some pre-examples of the lots selling are: a lovely Undenied heifer of Kings-Ransom MG Cleavage EX-95-USA EX-97-MS, a Apple Crisp *RC sister to Mox Atwood Raja VG-89-DE 3yr. and a Gold Chip daughter of the beautiful Mox Doorman Ramona EX-90-DE 3yr.
2. MOX WEEKEND, 24 - 25 August 2019
Mox Holsteins
Stüblehof 3
88677 Markdorf, Germany
Stüblehof 3
Markdorf, Germany