SALVUS one of the very first >5000 ICO bulls in Spain!
Salvus is the new chart topping ICO bull in the interbull genomic list in Spain (<80 % reliability). He notes +5043 ICO and is the absolutely #1!! With 41 points less follows LMG Quantum Denmark with +5004 ICO at place 2. Further in the list is Gen Goodlife (Gorch) with +4939 ICO good enough for place 5. The only R&W bull in the top 10 for ICO is Col DG Spark with +4833 ICO. In the daughter proven list (>80% reliability) is Mr Mccut Dante the one who is topping the list with +4707 ICO. Dante came also yesterday out as the NEW #1 GTPI daughter proven sire in the U.S. The second one is the former #1 Glen-D-Haven Altahotrod he now notes +4676 ICO. Further more has Supershot a great run scores +4499 ICO.
All the SPANISH rankings:
- SPAIN - Top ICO bulls <80% rel. INTERBULL 04/19
- SPAIN - Top ICO bulls >80% rel. INTERBULL 04/19
- SPAIN - ICO - National genomic bulls 04/19
- SPAIN - ICO - National daughter proven 04/19
- SPAIN - ICO - Dtr proven - Spanish owned bulls 0
- SCANDINAVIA - NTM Proven & Genomic bulls 04/19
Schopscherhof 1
Lohmar, Germany