R&W showtopper: Drouner AJDH Aiko Red scores VG-88!
One of the most interesting young R&W cows at this moment is: Drouern AJDH Aiko 1288-Red, owned by Drouner Holsteins. She combines index with exceptional type and great cow family. Her first RC offspring, sired by DG Charley are testing > 350 NVI & > 2600 GTPI already! She is a granddaughter of KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA, also known as the maternal sister to the R&W Show Queen from America: KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA. Aiko 1288-Red was recently shown at the Dutch NRM Show where she named R&W HM. Champion 2yr. old and has now scored with VG-88-NL as a 2yr. old!
Drouner AJDH Aiko 1288-Red VG-88-NL 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
- R&W HM. Champion 2yr. old Dutch NRM Show '17
- R&W granddaughter of KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91!
- Brothers went to AI
- Dam to the #12 GTPI RC Heifer in Europe: Drouner DH Aiko 1456 *RC (GTPI +2604 / NVI +353)
Dam: Drouner AJDH Freddie Aiko *RC VG-87-NL 2yr.
- 3.7% PROTEIN!!
- Full sister to Fraiko *RC & Perfect Aiko *RC
- Her maternal sister is dam to AIKMAN *RC
Granddam: KHW Goldwyn Aiko *RC EX-91-USA
- Great brood cow for R&W breed
- Sister to Jotan, Acme & Advent
Mat. sister to 2nd dam: KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA
- Grand & Res. Grand Champion @ Madison