Picture time @ Stakkehavegaard - SHG Breeding
At Stakkehavegaard are recently several SHOW cows pictured. Including the fabulous Stakkehave High Octane Bambi EX-91-DK EX-95-MS 3yr. She is sired by the Champions maker High Octane and a grand daughter of the All-Canadian, Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair '13, Grand Champion EOWQ Kemptville '13: Aingers Advent Bambie EX-94-CAN 2E. This fancy 3yr. Old is scored with the Maximum score in Denmark and was last year the Res. 2-Yr Old Champion at the Danish National Show! Another promising 2yr. Old in the barn is SHG Sid Holly VG-89-DK EX-92-MS 2yr. She is a grand daughter of the Unanimous All-American, Canadian Milking Fall Yearling '02, HM. Intermediate Champion WDE '12: R-E-W Happy Go Lucky EX-90-USA. Also GS Ruegruet Atlee VG-88-DK EX-95-F&L 2yr. is pictured during this session. She is a Gold Chip daugther of the 2nd place Swiss Expo '14: Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91-CH. This family traces back to MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA 2E DOM.
Stakkehave High Octane Bambi EX-91-DK EX-95-MS 3yr. (MAX) (PEDIGREE)
High Octane x Blondin Atwood Bambi GP-CAN x Aingers Advent Bambi EX-94-CAN
SHG Sid Holly VG-89-DK EX-92-MS 2yr. (MAX) (PEDIGREE)
Sid x Stakkehave Mcc Happy EX-92 (s. McCutchen) x R-E-W Happy Go Lucky EX-90 x Arethusa Outside Leslie EX-92
GS Ruegruet Atlee VG-88-DK EX-95-FL 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
Gold Chip x Whittier-Farms Jasper Atlanta EX-91 x Ms Atlees Gold Abigail EX-91 x MD-Delight Durham Atlee EX-92 x VG-88 x MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94
Dueholmvej 2
Skive, Denmark
Jernhytvej 36
Vojens, Denmark