Picture Lot 19: #1 Red Carrier TYPE heifer in the World!!!
Lot 19 in the Holland Masters Sale is a heifer which attracts global attention, she is the #1 Red Carrier heifer for type World Wide (+20 DGV Conformation) and the #1 Red Carrier GTPI heifer in the breed which is >3.50 PTAT! Her name: Heatherleigh Doorman Armana E *RC, a Red Carrier Doorman grand dtr of the legendary KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA, multiple Madison winner, dam to Absolute-Red, Armani *RC, Big Apple Red, Avalanche (out of her clone), grand dam to Diamondback *RC and more! And best of all, she looks AMAZING! UPDATE: her dam MS Apples Uno Armana *RC EX-91-USA won HM. Grand Champion Indiana State Show '17!! Click further for a picture taken this weekend!
Friday, 30. June 2017, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Picture Lot 19. Heatherleigh Doorman Armana E *RC - << Catalogue Page >>
Lot 19. Heatherleigh Doorman Armana E *RC - SHE SELLS!!!!!
Her grand dam: KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA