

UPDATE Online Elite Bull Sale

December 14, 2017 The Online Elite Bull Sale will be held tomorrow (Friday, 15. december '17), click further for a sale update with the next december indexes.    Read More

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JK Eder Holsteins breeder of the year in Holland!

December 13, 2017 During the HHH-Show last weekend JK Eder Holsteins has been chosen as the breeder of the year 2017! This because of the great results with JK Eder DG Control @ Semex, JK Eder DG Ciderman @ Ascol and DH Gold Chip Darling.   Read More

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Bons Holsteins Koba 219 grand champion HHH-Show ‘17

December 13, 2017 Last weekend the HHH-Show take place for the 28th time in Zwolle. There were big succeses for Bons Holsteins, Heerenbrink Holsteins, Southland Holsteins and Drouner Holsteins. Grand Champion of the show became Bons-Holsteins Koba 219 (s. Lautority) from Bons Holsteins in Ottoland. Click further for pictures and complete results of the National HHH Show 2017.   Read More

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ONLINE BULL SALE > Friday, 15. December 2017

December 12, 2017 20 High class bulls are selling this Friday, the 20. of December in the Online Elite Bull Sale - (www.onlinebullsale.com).  Including the World's #1 GTPI Sillian son, a huge GTPI (2714) / PTAT (+3.24) combination bull, one of the highest POLLED sires in the breed and sired by Bandares, a +70 Protein Eldorado son, exclusive bulls sired by Granite and Fortune, a GTPI +2716 Charley son, a R&W and Polled sire, 2 interesting 100% purebred Belgian Blue bulls perfect for crossbreeding on Holsteins for beefcalves. Click further for more information.    Read More

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Christmas @ Genesland SALE!

December 12, 2017 Eurogenes will organize the CHRISTMAS @ GENESLAND SALE from 20. until 29. December. Starting with an open day on Wednesday, 20. December at Genesland (Lohmar - near Köln, Germany) - the joined breedingprogram of Colonia Cows & Diamond Genetics. The sale will run through internet until Friday, 29. December through the TAG+ Sale System through the Eurogenes sale website. Click further with a first flyer with some consignments selling this edition!    Read More

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Dutch gNVI bull indexes December '17

December 7, 2017 The Dutch gNVI bull indexes are online on Eurogenes with big successes for several Eurogenes members. Col Finality out of the Genesland breeding program from Germany is the Global #2 gNVI bull: gNVI +410. In the Top 10 gNVI bulls we can see 4 sons of Bouw Finder plus Bouw Finder himself! KNS Boss increased again after adding daughters to his index, he increased 8 points to NVI +304 and is the #5 NVI daughter proven bull and one of the highest protein bulls in the Netherlands (+0.17%P). With the R&W sires it is OH DG ALASKA-RED of AI Total on the 2nd place with gNVI +331, he is a Pat Red son from an Aikman out of the Rainyridge Tony Beauty cow family! Also on the Top 15 is Rijnhof DG Spitfire-Red (Riverboy x KHW Goldwyn Aiko cow family) with gNVI +295. Click further for the complete rankings.    Read More

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CHARL #1 GTPI bull >11 months

December 6, 2017 The DG Charley son Hurtgenlea Richard Charl is the new #1 GTPI bull in the breed in the ranking for bulls which are older than 11 months old and with an NAAB-code with GTPI +2958 and +1116 $ Net Merit. Followed by Skywalker (GTPI +2938), Klutch (GTPI +2916), Rolan (GTPI +2915) and Fabulous (GTPI +2912). Click further for the complete ranking!    Read More

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Larcrest Commander #1 daughter proven LPI bull in Canada

December 6, 2017 Larcrest Commander of ABS is the new #1 daughter proven LPI bull in the domestic ranking in Canada with LPI +3381, Commander is a Mogul son from an Observer followed by the fantastic brood cow Larcrest Crimson EX-94-USA EX-96-MS. Delta is the #1 LPI sire in the MACE ranking with LPI +3425. Croteau Lesperron Unix keeps his #1 position on the daughter proven ranking for Conformation bulls (Type) with +17 Conformation based with 530 milking daughters in his Canadian index.WWalnutlawn Surge is the highest Conformation bull of the Genomic young sires, with 2 European bulls in this Top 10, including DG Bear on the 7th place with +18 conformation, he is a Beemer x Defender from the German Nadina cow family!   Read More

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Mr. Mogul DELTA keeps #1 position in American TPI ranking!

December 5, 2017 Mr. Mogul Delta added almost 700 dtrs to his index, his American proof contains 1208 daughters resulting in +2839 TPI. The daughter proven TPI ranking is followed by Rubicon (TPI +2799), Delta's full brother Denver (TPI +2779) & Montross (TPI +2772). Click further for the complete TPI ranking for daughter proven sires.    Read More

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Top ranking bulls United Kingdom (PLI) 12/17

December 5, 2017 Mr. Rubi Agronaut is the current #1 PLI bull in the United Kingdom with gPLI +812, followed by the heavily used mating sire in multiple different systems: Claynook Casper. Click further for all bullrankings from the United Kingdom from the December '17 indexrun.   Read More

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