New VG-88-NL 2yr. for Veneriete Holsteins
Veneriete F Cl Prudence 3 is recently classified with VG-88-NL with a VG-89-MS as a 2yr. Old. Prudence 3 is a Alta1stClass daughter and comes straight out Holbra Sanadi: which produces >18.000 kgM in 305 days and is the dam to Supertoro. Prudence 3 is a maternal sister to the Res. Junior Champion of the Wintershow Lochem ’18: Holbra Sancodi, who is also classified with VG-88-NL and a VG-89-MS as a 2yr. Old. Prudence 3 shows again the strength in this family of show, production and index! Click further for more info.
Picture: dam Holbra Sanadi VG-87-NL
Veneriete F Cl Prudence 3 VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
Alta1stClass x Holbra Sanadi VG-87 (s. Meridian) x Holbra Sana VG-89 (s. Snowman) x Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 family
- #1 PTAT 1stClass daughter in Europe & a tremendous Udder +3.27
- One of the former highest Type index heifer in the German test system: RZE +148 (8/16)
- Straight out 15 generations VG or Excellent dams
Holbra Sancodi VG-88-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
Larcrest Commander x Holbra Sanadi VG-87 (s. Meridian) x Holbra Sana VG-89 (s. Snowman) x Golden Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95 family
- Reserve Champion 2-Yr Old @ Wintershow Lochem ‘18
- 2.07 305d (proj) >16.000kgM & 3.4% Protein
- AltaSuperstar dtrs @ Holbra Holstiens
- Dam to Holbra K&L Khedira @ VOST
Rechterveldweg 10
Kampen, Netherlands
8267 AL