New pictures SHOW TOPPERS Bosma Holsteins!
The show toppers of the show string @ Bosma Holsteins are recently pictured after a great performance at the Rundvee Show Noord in Lhee, Netherlands. Lakeside Ups Ashtime Red won her class, after competing with the Res. Junior Champion Swiss Expo, and was later crowned as Reserve Junior Champion!! Her herdmate Twente Dairies José was 2nd in her section, beside the Junior Champion Bel Bag2 Chief Camilla of Hullcrest Holsteins, and later at the final six of the Junior Championship.
Lakeside Ups Ashtime (PEDIGREE)
Cycle McGucci JORDY-RED x Defiant *RC x Lakeside Damion Ashlyn *RC VG-86 x VG-87 x Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA 2E GMD DOM
- 2nd place & Res. Junior Champion RSN Show 2019
- Jordy-Red daughter from the great Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA family!
- Full sister to the #2 PTAT R&W in Europe: Lakeside Ups Abbey - +3.55 PTAT (12/18)
- 3rd place Wintershow Pesse 2019
- Also +11 Conformation in the Candian index! (12/18)
- Unique: R&W heifer going back on the MADISON & ROYAL Grand Champion!
- Same family as: EO Siemers Ashlyns Angel EX-96-USA & Ambrosia EX-95-USA
- Open to flush! Inquiries are welcome!
Twente Dairies José (PEDIGREE)
Savard-Red x Twente Daires José 448 VG-87 (s. Camden-Red) x Twente Dairies José 405 GP-NL (s. Talent *RC) x VG-86 x VG-88
- Young show heifer from the same family as the Grand Champion HHH-Show '08: Jose 328
- 2nd place and at final 6 @ RSN Show '19
- Twente Dairies Jose 328 is the grand dam to Twente Dairies Apple Jose 2 EX-92-NL / Grand Champion R&W NRM '19
- Same family as Twente Dairies Apple Jose 1 VG-88-NL (s. Big Apple) - 2nd HHH-Show 2017 &
- Twente Dairies Jose 421 EX-93-NL (s. Wisconsin) - 1st place NRM '19, 2nd place HHH-Show 2017!
- Deep DUTCH R&W cow family