Mr. Mogul DELTA keeps #1 position in American TPI ranking!
Mr. Mogul Delta added almost 700 dtrs to his index, his American proof contains 1208 daughters resulting in +2839 TPI. The daughter proven TPI ranking is followed by Rubicon (TPI +2799), Delta's full brother Denver (TPI +2779) & Montross (TPI +2772). Click further for the complete TPI ranking for daughter proven sires.
Click here for the complete TPI ranking for daughter proven sires
1. Mr. Mogul Delta - TPI +2839
2. EDG Rubicon - TPI +2799
3. Mr. Mogul Denver - TPI +2779
4. Bacon-Hill Montross - TPI +2772
5. Mr. Mogul Dion - TPI +2757
5. Uecker Supersire Josuper - TPI +2757
7. Woodcrest Mogul Yoder - TPI +2750
8. De-Su Altaleaf - TPI +2689
9. Har-Dale Acrest-JP Alacr - TPI +2669
10. Myr-Matt Mogul Platinum - TPI +2653
11. Complete ranking - Click here