Mox Atshott Mango VG-87-DE 2yr.
(Atshott x Kite)
Direct daughter of Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH!
Mox Holsteins
Reg No.
June 1, 2016Production Records
Just fresh in her 1st lactationClassification
VG-87-DE VG-87-MS 2yr.Details
- One of the final direct daughter of the legend: Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH
- Amazing young cow, scored VG-87-DE 2yr. and ready for the big shows coming up!
- Maternal sister to Mox Talent Mandy EX-93-CH - Res. Jr. Champion Expo Bulle '10
- Also sister to Ruegruet Joyboy Minneapolis EX-91-CH:Int. Champion @ Swiss Expo & Expo Bulle
- Will be prepared for the Swiss Expo Lausanne 2019!
Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH
Mox Kite Maryrose EX-90-CH
La1 305d 10.137kgM 5.0% 509F 3.7% 377P
La2 305d 12.105kgM 4.9% 590F 3.4% 412P
La2 305d 12.105kgM 4.9% 590F 3.4% 412P
- Top seller Mox Sale 2008 for €30.400!!
- 1 Rang & HM Grand Champion Swiss Expo Lausanne 2008
- 1 Rang & Res. Int. Champion R&W German Open 2008
- All German Holstein Champion Red Heifers & 1 Rang Jr. Bull Expo 2008
Markwell KITE-ET
Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE
Birkenhof Rubens Mabel-Red EX-93-DE
La2 305d 13.225kgM 3.4% 444F 3.2% 430P
La3 305d 10.923kgM 3.7% 402F 3.4% 369P
La3 305d 10.923kgM 3.7% 402F 3.4% 369P
- Res. Champion Steiermarkschau 2008
- Res. Grand Champion R&W German Open 2004
- All- German 2004
- 3rd Rang European Championship Show 2006
WFD Mercedes VG-88-DE
WFD Mercedes VG-88-DE
La1 305d 10.340kgM 3.5% 358F 3.3% 345P
La2 305d 11.890kgM 3.6% 431F 3.5% 417P
La2 305d 11.890kgM 3.6% 431F 3.5% 417P
Next Dams
4th La Présentation Memo Et Red VG-86-DE
5th De La Presentation Mary VG-86-CAN 4*
6th De La Presentation Onelle VG-86-CAN 13*
7th De La Presentation Lyne VG-CAN
8th De La Presentation Valentine VG-CAN