Marilyn Monroe #1 production cow in Germany!!
She has broken many records, she was topseller of the German Masters Sale ’14 for € 84.000, she is still the #1 RZG index cow in Germany, she has many sons in AI, her Gymnast dtr (GTPI +2835, #2 GTPI Gymnast Worldwide), as well she is the #1 production cow now in Germany with a huge first lactation: La1 305d 11.656kgM 5.64% FAT 4.14% PROTEIN! In the same lactation she participated successfully at the German National Show!
NH HS Balisto Marilyn Monroe VG-86-DE 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
(Balisto x Vekis Sudan Mellow VG-87-DE 2yr. x Vekis Xaco Melody VG-87-UK x Caps Mairy 4 VG-85-NL 2yr.)
- The #1 producing cow in Germany ‘18
- Top seller German Master Sale ‘14
- Multiple sons in AI
- Outcross maternal line: Balisto x Sudan x Xacobeo
- Open to flush! For consignments please contact Nosbisch Holsteins
Niederweis, Germany