Lakeside Ups O'Lelie VG-86-NL VG-86-MS 2yr.
(O'Kalif x Big Apple-Red x Advent-Red)
Grand dtr of Zeedieker Advent Roseanna EX-93-NL!
Lakeside Holsteins
Reg No.
June 12, 2016Production Records
2.00 305d (proj.) 8.404kgM 3.7% 313F 3.4% 282PClassification
86F 88DS 83F&L 86MS / VG-86-NL 2yr.Details
- O'Kalif grand daughter of the successfull show cow: Zeedieker Advent Roseanna EX-93-NL
- Roseanna participated at the European Show Fribourg '13 & Colmar '16, GRAND Champion R&W NRM '14
- GRAND Champion R&W HHH-Show '16 & 3rd in class HHH-Show '17
- O'Lelie herself has a promising RED Devour *RC daughter!
- Roseanna her Jotan dtr Future Dream H. Rosie EX-93-NL (s. Jotan) was Int. Champion HHH-Show '17
- The August cow family
- Same family as KHW Regiment Apple Red EX-96-USA - Grand & Res. Grand Champion R&W Madison
- Same family as Aikman, Perfect Aiko, Fraiko, Jotan, Acme & many others
Future Dream H Rosalie Red
Future Dream H Rosalie Red
Died before calving
- Died before calving
- Maternal sister to the Int. Champion HHH-Show '17: Future Dream H. Rosie EX-93-NL
Zeedieker Roseanna Red EX-93-NL EX-94-MS
Zeedieker Roseanna Red EX-93-NL EX-94-MS
2.04 305d 9.273kgM 4.7% 435F 3.4% 311P
4.08 305d 12.088kgM 4.5% 540F 3.4% 411P
6.00 305d 13.499kgM 4.5% 611F 3.3% 444P
8.00 305d 13.225kgM 4.5% 593F 3.4% 445P
2515d 81.380kgM 4.6%F 3.5%P
4.08 305d 12.088kgM 4.5% 540F 3.4% 411P
6.00 305d 13.499kgM 4.5% 611F 3.3% 444P
8.00 305d 13.225kgM 4.5% 593F 3.4% 445P
2515d 81.380kgM 4.6%F 3.5%P
- R&W Grand Champion National HHH Show '14
- Participated at the European Show Fribourg '13
- Int. Champion CRV Expo '14
- R&W Grand Champion HHH-Show '16
Buckhorn Acres SRose Red EX-92-USA
Buckhorn Acres SRose Red EX-92-USA
2.01 365d 14.596kgM 4.7% 684F 3.4% 498P
5.03 285d 11.808kgM 4.5% 485F 3.1% 367P
5.03 285d 11.808kgM 4.5% 485F 3.1% 367P
- Dam to: Zeedieker Roseanne Red EX-91-NL, one of the best R&W Show cows from Holland
- Roseanne Red won 2x Grand Champion @ HHH Show
- - and participated @ European Holsteins Show Fribourg '13
Next Dams
4th Sellcrest T Roseanne Red EX-93-USA
5th Clover-Mist Regina-Red EX-92-USA 2E
6th Augys Rose Regal-Red EX-90-USA 2E
7th D-R-A August EX-96-USA 4E DOM
8th D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90-USA 2E
9th D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90-USA 3E