Holbra Holsteins (Holmer family) winner Agroscoop-troffee 2017!
Holbra Holsteins of the Holmer-family (Laren, The Netherlands) is the winner of the Agroscoop-troffee 2017 (By For Farmers) in the sector dairy farming. Reason from the judge was the highest production per cow and a great efficiency. The average year production in the Holbra herd in 2016 was 12.815 kg milk with 3.94% fat and 3.40% protein, average 41,5 kg milk / cow / day was the highest production of all Agroscoop participants. This great achievement is reached by a high genetic level and super management, the Holbra-herd has a wide variety of the best global cow families, like that of Golden-Oaks Prudence, Larcrest Cosmopolitan, Wesswood Rudy Missy, Henkeseen Hillary and many others! Click further for a movie and more information.
Eurogenes profile page of Holbra Holsteins: www.eurogenes.com/holbra
Click here for the judge reasons for this winning troffee