Heerenbrink Holsteins (Fam. Steegink) #1 average score R&W!
The incredible herd of Heerenbrink Holsteins from the Family Steegink is the #1 herd in the Netherlands for average classification score for R&W cows. 13 2yr. olds scored this year with an average score of VG-86,2! The big highlight for Heerenbrink Holsteins this year was the Championship Milkingheifers R&W at the National NRM show 2017 with Heerenbrink Dina 382 (s. Expression). Click further for more details.
Top ranking average herd classification score R&W, The Netherlands 2017
Champion R&W 2yr. Old National NRM show 2017: Heerenbrink Dina 382 (s. Expression)
Heerenbrink Dolly Olympi Rae
(Olympian x VG-88 Jotan x EX-90 Mr. Burns x Scientific Debutante Rae cow family)