Great success for Holbra Holsteins at Video show Dronten
The third edition of the Video show of the Aeres Hogeschool in Dronten was a successful one for Holbra Holsteins. In a strong competition between 120 B&W’s & R&W’s Holbra Chica became Intermediate Champion and later on Grand Champion of the show. Holbra Lathoya 1 won her class and became the 2-Yr. Old Champion.
Holbra Chica EX-90-NL
(Gold Chip x Bolton Paulona VG-85 x Holbra O-Man Paula VG-87 x Holbra Morty Petra EX-90 x Prudence family)
Production: 3.10 305d 15.821kgM 3.7F 3.2%P
- Senior Champion Regional Show Laren ‘17
- Reserve 2-Yr. Old Champion Wintershow Lochem ‘15
- 3rd in class @ National HHH-Show ‘14
Holbra Lathoya 1
(Paradise x Lauthority x Bolton Paulona VG-85 x Holbra O-Man Paula VG-87 x Holbra Morty Petra EX-90 x Prudence family)
Production: 1.11 305d 11.706kgM 4.1%F 3.3%P
- 2-Yr. Old Champion Wintershow Lochem ‘17
- 2-Yr. Old Champion Regional Show Laren-Bathem ‘17