GRAND Champion Junior Night Show for Schönhof Holsteins
The recently held Austrian National Junior Night Show in Salzburg was an extremely successful show for Schönhof Holsteins. It was a great show to end the year for Schönhof Holsteins. They took home the Grand Champion with Ms Atwood Infinity and had several class winners. Look further for the complete results.
Grand Champion and Res. Udder: Ms Atwood Infinity (s. Atwood)
2nd place junior 2yr. Old class: BMR Me Lady (s. Meridian) in co-ownership with B. & M. Gumpold and R. Wenger
1st place senior 2yr. Old class: Schönhof’s MC Giuletta (s. McCutchen)
2nd place senior 2yr. Old class: Schönhof’s Durbin Genius (s. Durbin)
Schönhofweg 2
Maishofen, Austria