Gen GOODLIFE again in the pole position: +224 ISU!
He definitely takes over control in France: Gen GOODLIFE! He is for the second time in a row the leader in France testing: +224 ISU. In second follows Danhof GUARA with +221 ISU. The stage is complete with OKEN in third, who guarantees for +218 ISU. Remarkable in the top 10 ISU bulls (genomics & daughter proven) is the R&W bull OMATT RED with +213 ISU. Furhtermore we find in the global top the ONLY daughter proven bull with 70 daughters in France: LOUXOR with +210 ISU at a shared 19th position.
Gen Goodlife // #1 ISU bull in France with +224 ISU @ Masterrind
- Bred through the Genesland program