Exciting pictures of the Res. 2-Yr. Old Champion Lochem
Holbra Sancodi is a fantastic offspring from the huge transmitting family of Holbra Sana VG-89-NL. This family brought several high-ranking daughters, show winners and production toppers. Sancodi is a great example of the potency in this family: she was Res. 2-Yr. Champion @ Wintershow Lochem, projected with >16.000 kgM & 3.4% Protein in her first lactation and classified VG-88 as a 2yr old. Recently this Commander is pictured and she will also be flushed soon. Look further for her pictures.
Holbra Sancodi VG-88-NL VG-89-MS (MAX) 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
(Commander x VG-87 Meridian x Holbra Sana VG-89 x VG-85 Bolton x VG-87 O-Man)
- Reserve Champion 2-Yr Old @ Wintershow Lochem ‘18
- 2.07 305d (proj) >16.000kgM & 3.4% Protein
- AltaSuperstar dtrs @ Holbra Holsteins
- Dam to Holbra K&L Khedira @ VOST
- Same family as: Holbra Inseme Rodanas (former #1 GPFT bull), Sanador & Elysium
- Going back on Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence EX-95-USA