Excellent classification at Zandenburg
Recently the classifier visited the Zandenburg herd of the Sommers family. The results of the classification where nothing less than great! 4th lactation Zandenburger Cutchen Fabiola and 3rd lactation Zandenburg Fun Fabiola both received the score EX-90 and both cows go back to the successful Fabiola family at Zandenburg. Fabiola is a McCutchen daughter from an Aftershock dam and is currently projected over 16.000 kg Milk. The Red Fun P daughter Fabiola-Red is also a very productive cow with a 1st lactation over 12.000 kg Milk. Other highlights of the classification included VG-87 2 year old sired by Sound System, Achiever, Cyrano and Louxor including Achiev Diamond (s. Achiever and goes back to the Roxy’s) who is the dam of the high-ranking Entity daughter Zandenburg Entity Diamond GTPI+2883.
Zandenburg Fun Fabiola EX-90-NL EX-92-DS - picture as a 2-Yr Old
Ripseweg 40
Elsendorp, Netherlands
5424 SM
Web Site: http://www.zandenburgholsteins.nl
Email: Sommersmelkveehouderij@outlook.com