Examples Online Summer Heifer Sale!
Only one day and the Online Summer Heifer Sale will be launched. This sale will be held from Friday 10. Juli till Friday 17. July 09:00 P.M. (Dutch Time). This ONLINE Summer heifer sale offers the very best for you: SHOW heifers, INDEX heifers and many intersting embryo packages. With for example a Tatoo daugther of the recently classified EX-95 cow in France and dam to Wilt Emilio: Wilt Emy, a R&W & POLLED first choice by Ronald *RC from the Aiko's, R&W POLLED show heifer from the Redrose family, TYPE from the Adeen's and multiple great embryo packages!!
Eurogenes SUMMER Heifer Sale
Start: Vrijdag 10. Juli / Friday 10. Juli
Sluiting: / Closing: Vrijdag 17. Juli 21:00 uur / Friday 17. July 09:00 P.M. (Dutch Time)
Veiling Methode: / Sale Methode: TAG+ Sale methode
> CLICK HERE < for a direct link to the auction site!