Dutch index rankings
The Dutch index rankings are online with still Danno on the 1st position in the daughter proven gNVI ranking for B&W bulls. Bookem can be found on the 2nd place with +351 NVI, and the Top 10 of daughter proven NVI bulls is filled with 6 of his sons. The Bookem son KNS Boss did a great job again, he increased up to +296 NVI with adding multiple daughters to his Dutch index, he is the current #7 NVI bull in the Netherlands. Weelder Esperanto is the highest gNVI bull with +425. Anreli-Red is the highest gNVI R&W bull with gNVI +320, with also in this ranking Alaska-Red in the top of the list! He is the #4 gNVI bull with gNVI +316!! Click further for the complete Dutch NVI rankings for B&W and R&W Holsteins.
Click here for all index rankings
Netherlands - B&W - Genomic bulls - 08/17- Netherlands - B&W - Dtr Proven - 08/17
- Netherlands -B&W - Proven Bulls Interbull - 8/17
- Netherlands - R&W - Genomic bulls - 08/17
- Netherlands - R&W - Dtr Proven - 08/17
- Netherlands -R&W - Proven Bulls Interbull - 8/17