Drakkar Holsteins / DG France in HI-Plus
An interesting article is written about the great breeding program of Drakkar Holsteins / DG France. Drakkar Holsteins is for example the home of the huge transmitter DKR Babylone VG-85-FR, an famous bull dam who is the foundation behind the popular bulls: DKR Bangalore, DKR Baylaboy and DKR Baltazar. Drakkar Holsteins isn't only recognized for breeding in the GTPI market, the recently classwinner at the Italian National Show DKR Lexi EX-95-IT (s. Windbrook) and European Show cow Drakkar Bulona EX-92-NL are also bred in France by Drakkar Holsteins / DG France.
Ferme de Beauchamp
Gonneville Sur Honfleur, France
Web Site: http://www.eurogenes.com/drakkar
Email: jan.vdo@diamond-genetics.fr