Diamond Genetics B.V. has clients for B&W Holstein bulls
Diamond Genetics is looking for B&W Holstein bulls on the short-term. The following is requested:
- Bulls should be 100% Holstein and born in either Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg or The Netherlands
- Bulls should be born between September 1 2016 and May 1 2017
- Dams at least one lactation with (projected) 305d 10.000kgM and 3,7%f
- Genomic index g RZG or g TPI is available. At least 140 g RZG or 2300 g TPI is requested.
- No recessives like CD and CVM with bulls.
- Bulls with good feet and legs, well grown, no warts or ringworm.
Please send pedigrees and or more information to:
We look forward to receiving your information and we will be back in touch straight after.