Col DG CRUSHTIME - #1 Conformation bull: +20!!
Col DG CRUSHTIME is the new #1 type bull in the breed on the Canadian base with +20 Conformation (+22 DGV Conformation), he combines this with +4.00 PTAT on the American base. Crushtime is a son of the Doorman son Maverick CRUSH, which is not available in Europe. Crushtime will be one of the hottest type bulls in the breed from this moment as he add some very welcome traits for the type market, he is a positive production sire with +600 Milk with +0.04% Protein in his American index, with 7.2 for Sire Calving Ease, in his flawless type proof he shows to transmit good rumps (-0.10 RPA) and a little bit longer teats (+0.15 TL) with incredible udders: +3.43 UDC!! Crusthime is a fantastic bull himself and comes from a family which proved to make great ones, his grand dam Oh-River-Syc Mrdn Billie EX-91-USA 4yr. is the full sister to Byway @ Semex, going back on the one and only Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA! Crushtime will be available sexed and conventional through Inseme Italy and Sexing Technologies.
(Crush x VG-85-USA Mogul x EX-91-USA 4yr. Meridian x EX-91-USA 5yr. Atwood x EX-91-USA Shottle x Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA)
4/18 Conformation +20 - DGV index: +19 Udder / +14 F&L / +17 Dairy Strength / +5 Rump / +22 DGV Conf. / +3026 LPI
Click here for the complete Canadian index
#1 CONFORMATION bull in the World!
4/18 +600 Milk / +0.04% Protein / SCE 7.2 / UDC +3.43 / RUH +4.89 / RUW +4.50 / FUA +4.61 / PTAT +4.00
Click here for the complete USA index
CRUSHTIME is available through Sexing Technologies / Inseme Italy
Full sister to CRUSHTIME: Col DG Brylan @ Genesland (PEDIGREE)
* +3.88 / DGV Conf. +19 (4/18)
Full brother to grand dam: BYWAY @ Semex
* One of the highest dtr proven PTAT sires in the breed: PTAT +3.53 / UDC +3.50 UDC based on 293 classified dtrs in his American proof
5th dam: Regancrest-PR Barbie EX-92-USA
Schopscherhof 1
Lohmar, Germany