Chart topping Fortune calves for Riethil Holsteins!
Riethil Holsteins has several high offspring by Progenesis Fortune of Riethil Evita (s. Jedi). Four of them are in the top 15 Fortune heifers in Europe! Highest one is the #2 Fortune in Europe. Her name is: Riethil Evalyn who notes +2803 gTPI in combination with +2.17 PTAT! The #4 Fortune in Europe is Riethil Evi with +2782 gTPI, +850 Net Merit and +2.26 PTAT. She can be yours, because she sells at the German Masters Sale, October the 19th in Fliessem! Followed in the row is Riethil Estelle who is the #7 Fortune in Europe with +2764 gTPI. The last one in the top 15 is Riethil Evira (#14 in Fortune in Europe) who has a very clean index with +2705 gTPI and almost +3.00 PTAT!
Riethil Evita-ET (PEDIGREE)
(S-S-I Montross Jedi x JK Eder Eva 1-ET VG-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. (s. President) x HS Mogul Eva GP-84 2yr. x Royal Idevra Eva VG-86-IT 2yr. x EX-90 x VG-85 x VG-86 x EX-90 x EX-91 x VG-87 x EX-91)
- +2612 gTPI as a 2yr. Old! (08/18)
- 4 Fortune offsprings in the top 15 Fortune's in Europe! (08/18)
- All her offspring is >2700 GTPI! (08/18)
- Different pedigree: Jedi x President x Mogul x Active x Titanic
- Same family as the breeding bulls Stol Joc, Bolton, Marshall, Murpy and more!!
- 3rd dam is sister to Marpac @ Genefix
- Goes back on the famous Ricecrest Southwind Kaye family
- International contracted cow family