Broeklander Medley Queen VG-88-NL VG-88-MS La2.
(Medley x Jett x Bombero)
From the Italian Quantita cow family
Broeklander Holsteins
Reg No.
December 11, 2018Production Records
2.02 362d 12.378kgM 3.8% 476F 3.3% 408P3.03 417d 16.315kgM 4.3% 699F 3.6% 581P
4.07 456d 18.860kgM 4.0% 758F 3.4% 633P
VG-88-NL VG-88-MS La2.Genomic Result
US 04/22 GTPI +2485 / NM $ 451 / PTAT +0.98 [ Details ]Details
- Fancy VG-88 La3. Medley daughter from the Italian Quantita cow family
- 2nd in the Intermediate Class Fokveedag Oldebroek 2022
- Grand dam is one of the first fresh Bombero daughters in Europe
- Great sire stack: Medley x Jett x Bombero x Massey x Beacon
- Grand dam her brother sold for € 92.000 as a first choice
- 4th dam is the #1 Beacon daughter in Europe
- Same family as Boateng, Borsati & Colobiano, former #1 proven bull in Italy
- Goes back to the former #1 PFT cow, Quantita EX-91-IT
Broeklander Jett Queengirl-ET
Broeklander Jett Queengirl-ET
2.01 324d 11.699kgM 4.1% 477F 3.3% 391P
3.02 393d 14.925kgM 4.0% 597F 3.4% 506P
4.05 315d 13.762kgM 4.0% 557F 3.1% 440P
3.02 393d 14.925kgM 4.0% 597F 3.4% 506P
4.05 315d 13.762kgM 4.0% 557F 3.1% 440P
- Tremendous production cow, who produced in 3 lactations >40.000kgM!
DG Bomb Queengirl VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 3yr.
DG Bomb Queengirl VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 3yr.
2.03 305d 10.147kgM 4.9% 496F 3.6%P 368P
3.03 473d 16.640kgM 5.4% 900F 3.9% 654P
4.09 323d 12.131kgM 5.3% 638F 3.9% 467P
3.03 473d 16.640kgM 5.4% 900F 3.9% 654P
4.09 323d 12.131kgM 5.3% 638F 3.9% 467P
- Great uddered Bombero dtr
- >10.000 kg milk in 1st lactation with 4.89% FAT & 3.63% PROTEIN!!!
Richmond-FD El BOMBERO
NH Massey Queengirl VG-85-NL 2yr.
NH Massey Queengirl VG-85-NL 2yr.
2.08 386d 10.545kgM 4.6% 490F 3.7% 392P
Fresh in 2nd lactation: 1st test 41.5kgM 5.23%F 3.10%P
Fresh in 2nd lactation: 1st test 41.5kgM 5.23%F 3.10%P
- Sold for € 67.000
- 1st CH. Son sold for € 92.000
- Dam to: QUEENBOY @ AI-Total
Next Dams
4th Buttighofer Beacon Queen 05 VG-DE 2yr.
5th Qualle 05 TY VG-87-DE 2yr.
6th Quality 17 TV TL VG-87-DE
7th New Farm Aaron Quantita EX-91-IT
8th New-Farm Aero Ottima EX-90-IT
9th Pizz-Farm Leadman Mimma VG-85-IT 2yr.