45. Schau Der Besten - Sale info
The Niedersachsenhalle in Verden will be the place to be for the 45. Schau Der Besten these days, the 21. / 22. of February. With tonight (21. February) the Masterrind Exclusive Sale - which includes several very interesting lots from multiple Eurogenes members, like the #1 GTPI Gymnast dtr in the breed (GTPI +2863 of J. Hintze / WEH Holsteins), a GTPI +2786 / RZG 160 Bandares from Nosbisch- & Sunview Holsteins), a RC & P Modesty with GTPI +2684 from KNS Holsteins, a member of the Galys Vray cow family from Mox Holsteins and more! Click further for an overview for some interesting lots selling!
Complete Online Catalogue: Click here
Stüblehof 3
Markdorf, Germany
Niederweis, Germany