+4.16 PTAT Australian show heifer to Dueholm Breeding I/S
Dueholm Breeding I/S has invest in a very special Australian show heifer: Rockstar PGWH King Doc Ada. She notes no less than +4.16 PTAT in combination with +12 Conformation in her Candian index. Her dam was successful at the International Dairy Week 2019 with a 5th place in the Senior 2-Yr Old class. She is the full sister to the #1 PTAT cow in Europe: HC Archrival Arianne VG-87-NL VG-89-MS 2yr. This family traces back to the legandary BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94-USA EX-94-MS 5yr. - 1st Jr. 2-Yr. Old Word Dairy Expo & Royal 2012 and Unanimous All-American & Canadian Jr. 2-Yr. Old.
Rockstar PGWH King Doc Ada (PEDIGREE)
+4.16 PTAT // +12 Conformation (12/19)
King Doc x Keilaglen Archrival Ada-IMP x Ms Ariannas Door Armani VG-85-USA x BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94-USA EX-94-MS 5yr.
Dueholmvej 2
Skive, Denmark