+4.09 PTAT (Prelim) Jordy-Red out of #1 PTAT cow in Europe!
Upstream Holsteins has some new additions to his herd and they are top class! One of them is Ups K&L Adeena, she is a Red Carrier Jordy-Red daughter out of the #1 PTAT cow in Europe (04/18), her preliminary genomics were +4.09 PTAT!! Ups Abbey Red is also a Jordy-Red daughter but she is red and out of Lakeside Defiant Ashlyn-Red which has just calved for the first time and looks really promising! She traces back to World Dairy Expo & Royal Winter Fair Grand Champion of 2001, Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA. Last addition is Ups K&L Have a +2700 GTPI & NM $ 815 Sound System daughter out of a Delta x Cookiecutter Supersire Have and then Cookiecutter MOM Halo, which has deliverd many bulls to AI!
Archrival Arianna NC / Dam of Ups K&L Adeena RC +4.09 PTAT (Prelim). (PEDIGREE)
* High prelim PTAT Jordy-Red heifer with +4.09 PTAT
* Dam is the #1 PTAT cow >2yr in Europe (04/18)
* Tracing back to the great brood cow MS-Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94-USA
Cookiecutter Supersire Have VG-86-USA / Gr dam of Ups K&L Have (PEDIGREE)
* Ups K&L Have is a Sound System daughter with +2700 GTPI and NM $ 815! (06/18)
* Great grand dam is Cookiecutter MOM Halo which delivered many bulls to AI!
* Traces back to Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95-USA
Lakeside Ups Defiant Ashlyn-Red / Dam of Jordy-Red dtr Lakeside Ups Abbey Red (PEDIGREE)
* R&W Jordy-Red dtr with +3.54 PTAT (06/18)
* Traces back to the great brood cow Tri-Day Ashlyn EX-96-USA
* World Dairy Expo & Royal Winter Fair Grand Champion in 2001!
Arkerpad 1
Zeewolde, Netherlands
3896 LP