2 New EXCELLENTS at Zandenburg Holsteins
Recently two new cows are classified excellent at Zandenburg Holstiens. They are Zandenburg Suran Camilla and Zandenburg Cashmoney Wanja. Camilla is a daughter of the well-known Zandenburg Snowman Camilla VG-89-NL. She is the dam to Zandenburg Meridian Camilla VG-89-NL which was presented the Netherlands at the European Show in Colmar in 2016. Suran Camilla scored 91 points for her frame, 89 for dairy strength and 90 for her udder and feet and legs.
The other one which became 90 points is Zandenburg Cashmoney Wanja. She is a Cashmoney going back on Wanja VG-89-DE. Wanja is the dam to the Grand Champion Libramont ’10: Veenhuizer Damion Winnie EX-92-NL. Casmoney Wanja became 88 points for her frame, 91 for dairy strength, 91 for her udder, 89 for feed-legs. Click further for more info.
Zandenburg Casmoney Wanja EX-90-NL
Zandenburg Suran Camilla EX-90-NL
(picture: her dam Zandenburg Snowman Camilla VG-89-NL)
Ripseweg 40
Elsendorp, Netherlands
5424 SM
Web Site: http://www.zandenburgholsteins.nl
Email: Sommersmelkveehouderij@outlook.com