#1 Net Merit DG OH Chara ($1013) & #1 GTPI Hul-Stein Butterlaw
The female intermediate rankings of all European females tested for the the month October are online with the Hurtgenlea Richard Charl dtr DG OH CHARA on the 1st place in the Net Merit Ranking (Net Merit $ 1013), her mother is the Topshot dtr DG OH Daniella, full sister to DG OH TOPSTONE @ Masterrind (RZG 160) and maternal sister to DG OH Doble *RC & Dalvatore *RC @ AI Total, 2 of the highest RC bulls in the breed in multiple systems! The #1 GTPI this run was for Hul-Stein Butterlaw with GTPI +2821, followed by the Charl daughter DG DV Sika (GTPI +2795). Click furhter for the complete rankings.
1. OH DG Chara (s. Charl) / NM $ 1013
2. HOGBR706042605229 (s. Kenobi) / NM $ 992
3. DG Cherella (s. Charl) / NM $ 989
4. Hul-Stein Butterlaw (s. Lawson) / NM $ 987
5. Wilder Kasano (s. Solution) / NM $ 984
6. Click here
1. Hul-Stein Butterlaw (s. Lawson) / GTPI +2821
2. DG DV Sika (s. Charl) / GTPI +2795
3. DE913225 (s. Huey) / GTPI +2791
4. DE 5779 (s. Lawson) / GTPI +2767
5. DG Cherella (s. Charl) / GTPI +2758
6. Click here